Sunday, 10 June 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III will use a different MHL to HDMI adapter


If you're planning on purchasing a shiny new Samsung Galaxy S III, and have an existing Android phone that uses a MHL to HDMI adapter for video out, you'll be needing to replace that adapter. According to Samsung the hardware differences -- the Galaxy S III uses a different pin layout than previous phones did -- make the old adapters incompatible with the phone. 

While it's a bit inconvenient, it's almost to be expected. There's even more stuff crammed inside a thinner phone, so hardware has been redesigned and things that plug in need redesigned, too. It's probably not a conspiracy to force everyone to buy a new adapter (most of us probably will never use one anyway), and the parts themselves retail for about $25 bucks for a Samsung branded OEM model. 

If you're in the UK or Europe, you can grab one at Clove (£20.82-- check out the video after the break), and we're pretty sure you'll be able to find them at your carriers store here in the US when the SGS3 launches. Just don't try your old one -- you don't want to be the guy who finds out what happens when you plug it in and turn it on!

Via: +Arne Hess

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